  • <Khoom lub npe Uva Hnub Lub teeb (neodymium) cov khoom siv iav tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws 6.5W thiab 70W cov cua kub ntau. 110V and 220V in stock, suits for most countries. Txhuas Alneoy Teeb Meem, Ntau Ruaj. Lwm lub teeb hmo ntuj kom ua rau cov tsiaj reptile sov sov los ntawm lub caij ntuj no. Taw qhia cov cua sov sim ua lub nruab hnub nrig ntawm lub hnub, muab cov tsiaj reptiles nrog UVA ultraviolet lub teeb xav tau txhua hnub, pab ...
  • Teeb tiv thaiv lub teeb

    Teeb tiv thaiv lub teeb

    Cov khoom lag luam muaj cov tiv thaiv cov khoom muaj kuab: 12 * 16 cm dub khoom hlau txheem txau txau txau yas, nto yuav tsis kub heev rau hlawv cov tsiaj. Mesh npog yog tshwj tseg rau kab qhov, yooj yim siv. Qhov qhib yog tsau nrog lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav me me, uas yooj yim thiab zoo nkauj. Taw qhia hom teeb meem no yog ua los ntawm cov hlau zoo, haum rau txhua hom cua sov hauv 16cm. Yooj yim installation, cia li siv 4 ...
  • TWJ TEEB Nrog

    TWJ TEEB Nrog

    Cov Khoom Siv Cov Khoom Siv Hauv Pem Teb L: Kas: 30 * 150Cm HieGHT Ntau Yam: 23 * 9CM Tus nuv tau du thiab puag ncig, tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj lub hlau. Lub teeb tuav tuav tau muab ib lub ntsej muag rau kev kho cov xov hlau. Nws muaj cov pob khoom zoo. Taw qhia hauv pem teb lub teeb yooj yim yog qhov yooj yim hauv cov tsos thiab compact I ...
  • Lub Teeb Qab Nthab Dag Zog Nrog NJ-26

    Lub Teeb Qab Nthab Dag Zog Nrog NJ-26

    <Khoom npe lub ntsej muag qab nthab teeb Tus nuv tau du thiab puag ncig, tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj lub hlau. Lub teeb tuav tuav tau muab ib lub ntsej muag rau kev kho cov xov hlau. Nws muaj cov pob khoom zoo. Taw qhia hauv pem teb lub teeb yooj yim yog qhov yooj yim hauv cov tsos thiab muab cov hom reptile tank thiab tso tsheb hlau luam. Cov khoom yog tsim los ntawm ...
  • LED Calcium Teeb

    LED Calcium Teeb

    <Khoom npe LED calcium teeb pom kev cai tshwj xeeb xim 6.2 * 7.0 Khoom siv Nyiaj UVB 5.0 UVA light stimulates appetite, UVB light accelerates vitamin synthesis, fully absorbs calcium and contributes to bone growth. It is equipped with heat dissipation hole to prevent people and pets from being scalded, reduce bulb loss and extend service life Introduc...
  • Lub zog siv hluav taws xob UVB

    Lub zog siv hluav taws xob UVB

    Product Name Small energy-saving UVB lamp Specification Color 4.5*13cm White Material Quartz Glass Model ND-18 Feature The use of quartz glass for UVB transmission facilitates UVB wavelength penetration. Lub teeb cap yog thickened thiab tawg-pov thawj nrog cua tshuab. Plaub lub voj voos loj loj, cov duab zoo nkauj, thaj chaw loj dua. Taw qhia lub zog-txuag UVB teeb tuaj hauv 5.0 thiab 10.0 qauv. 5.0 Haum rau los nag hav zoov cov tsiaj reptiles nyob hauv thaj chaw muaj substopical ...
  • Product Name Calcium supplement UVB lamp Specification Color 13W 5*13cm 20W 5*13.5cm 26W 5*15cm White Material Quartz Glass Model ND-23 Feature The use of quartz glass for UVB transmission facilitates UVB wavelength penetration. Lub teeb cap yog thickened thiab tawg-pov thawj nrog cua tshuab. Plaub lub voj voos loj loj, cov duab zoo nkauj, thaj chaw loj dua. 13W 20W 20W 26W thiab UVB 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 kev xaiv. Taw qhia lub zog-txuag UVB teeb tuaj hauv 2.0, 5.0 thiab 10.0 mod ...
  • Product Name Infrared ceramic lamp Specification Color 40w-7.5*10.5cm 60w-7.5*10.5cm 100w-8.5*10.5cm 150w-10.5*10.5cm 250w-14*10.5cm Black Material CERAMIC Model ND-04 Feature 40W, 60W, 100W, 150W, 250W, optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Nws tsuas yog kis cov cua sov tsis muaj qhov ci, yuav tsis cuam tshuam rau cov tsiaj reptile tsaug zog. Txhuas Alneoy Teeb Meem, Ntau Ruaj. Cov qauv dej tsim kom haum rau cov chaw ntub dej (tsis txhob muab rau hauv dej). Intr ...
  • Mini Ceramic Ceramic Teeb

    Mini Ceramic Ceramic Teeb

    Product Name Mini ceramic lamp Specification Color 4.9*6cm Black Material CERAMIC Model ND-13 Feature 20W, 40W, 60W, 80W, 100W optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Nws tsuas yog kis cov cua sov tsis muaj qhov ci, yuav tsis cuam tshuam rau cov tsiaj reptile tsaug zog. Txhuas Alneoy Teeb Meem, Ntau Ruaj. Tej yam me me zoo nkauj zoo nkauj, reptile tsis yooj yim kov scald. Qhov kev pabcuam lub neej muaj txog li 20,000 teev. Taw qhia cov ceramic rhaub ceracle yog qhov chaw ntawm cov cua sov t ...
  • Ntxiv Pauv POB TEEB PURDER

    Ntxiv Pauv POB TEEB PURDER

    <Khoom npe ntxiv rau hauv pem teb teeb ua yeeb yam muaj xim 40-50-132cm * 83-132cm Tus nuv tau du thiab puag ncig, tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj lub hlau. Lub teeb tuav tuav tau muab ib lub ntsej muag rau kev kho cov xov hlau. Nws muaj cov pob khoom zoo. Daim duab qhia kev them nyiaj yug thiab cov ntaub ntawv txhawb nqa ua rau lub teeb ruaj ruaj ruaj ruaj rau hauv pem teb lub teeb yooj yim muaj cov tsos thiab sib xyaw ua ke, thiab ...
  • Lub teeb loj tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv

    Lub teeb loj tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv

    <Khoom npe lub teeb loj loj tsim muaj cov xim hlau 13 * 21cm dub cov khoom lag luam hlau qauv NJ-24 lub ntsiab nqaij teeb txau tau txau yas, nto yuav tsis kub dhau rau hlawv cov tsiaj. Mesh npog yog tshwj tseg rau kab qhov, yooj yim siv. Qhov qhib yog tsau nrog lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav me me, uas yooj yim thiab zoo nkauj. metal tube prevents your reptile bite the wire and get hurt even death. Introduction This type of lampshade is made of high quality iron, suitable for all kinds o...
  • Cov khoom lag luam infrared cua kub teeb cov cim xim tshiab ND-21 nta 25W, 50W kev xaiv, kom tau raws li cov dej num sib txawv. Cov khoom cua sov muaj tus qauv tshwj xeeb ntawm lub reaforor, nws muaj peev xwm mloog cov cua sov ntawm txhua qhov chaw. Taw qhia lub teeb tuaj yeem muab cov cua sov kom pab tsiaj digest thiab txhim kho kev loj hlob. Lub iav liab kis cov nthwv dej infrared los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv tshwj xeeb uas tuaj yeem ua kom muaj kev kub ntxhov kub ...